Résumés de livres

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Résumés Livres

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A stack of five books is neatly arranged on a white table. The books are assorted in color and size, featuring prominent titles and authors visible on their spines. The titles include 'Outliers,' 'Crucial Conversations,' 'Deep Work,' 'Getting Things Done,' and 'Tools of Titans.' The background is softly blurred, drawing focus to the books.
A stack of five books is neatly arranged on a white table. The books are assorted in color and size, featuring prominent titles and authors visible on their spines. The titles include 'Outliers,' 'Crucial Conversations,' 'Deep Work,' 'Getting Things Done,' and 'Tools of Titans.' The background is softly blurred, drawing focus to the books.
Podcasts Livres

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Two books placed on a desk with part of a keyboard visible. One book has a yellow cover titled 'A Thousand Brains' by Jeff Hawkins, featuring an illustration of a human head with puzzle pieces. The other book has a turquoise cover titled 'Say Less, Get More' by Fotini Iconomopoulos, with speech bubbles on the cover. The setting appears to be a workspace.
Two books placed on a desk with part of a keyboard visible. One book has a yellow cover titled 'A Thousand Brains' by Jeff Hawkins, featuring an illustration of a human head with puzzle pieces. The other book has a turquoise cover titled 'Say Less, Get More' by Fotini Iconomopoulos, with speech bubbles on the cover. The setting appears to be a workspace.
Écrits Livres

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A stack of books is shown with titles visible, including 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari, 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck' by Mark Manson, 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman, and 'Side Hustle'. On top of the stack is a pink notebook with a yellow and black cover partially in view. The books are positioned outdoors with sunlight casting shadows.
A stack of books is shown with titles visible, including 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari, 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck' by Mark Manson, 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' by Daniel Kahneman, and 'Side Hustle'. On top of the stack is a pink notebook with a yellow and black cover partially in view. The books are positioned outdoors with sunlight casting shadows.
Two books are placed on a wooden surface beside a cup of coffee. One book has a white cover with the title 'Never Split the Difference' in bold red and black text. The other book has a turquoise cover with the title 'The Making of a Manager' in white text.
Two books are placed on a wooden surface beside a cup of coffee. One book has a white cover with the title 'Never Split the Difference' in bold red and black text. The other book has a turquoise cover with the title 'The Making of a Manager' in white text.
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